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2017-09-10 September
Cemetery & Parks Meeting
September 10, 2017
Kimball House

The meeting was opened at 7:05 PM present were, Tubby Boucher, John Barrett, Roger Rapoza,
Drew Funk and Pam Haman.

Bills: Month bills were approved and signed.
Minutes: July 10, 2017 were reviewed and approved.
Deeds; signed

Correspondence: Memo received from Cindy Donovan Schuster-Playground, discussed later at the meeting.
Appointments: None

Flag Pole for Expansion-Quote was received from Central Discount Flag & Pole Co. Rope will be on the outside, Roger felt this works better. It will be placed half way up area.  Tubby made a motion to accept the quote for flag pole.  John second all were in favor.
Garage Roof- Roger reported that the two estimates received to replace the garage roof for approx $3600.00 could not be accepted because the firms were unable to pull permits do to not being licensed. Another quote was obtained from a licensed roofer however this quote came in at $4050.00.  John moved to accept the quote from Woolfrey Roofing.  Tubby second all were in favor.
Trailers- Carla (BOH) had taken pictures of the cemetery trailers in back of the cemetery as well as tires that were actually from a neighboring lot.  She then reported this to Jim Kriedler Town Administrator with concerns of trash and unregistered trailers.  Jim did ask Roger about the situation which was explained with no issue seen by Jim.  John was also made aware of the situation and had conversation with BOH.  It was brought up at a BOH meeting with no issues.  John did suggest that department be very vigilant.
Cemetery Rules-Roger stated that lots ready to be sold in the Riverside expansion area. He brought changes and additional rules that he would like to see for the new expansion in Riverside and when new deeds are sent out for the other parts of the cemeteries including transfer of deeds. Changes were discussed as well as lots with excessive items. The changes were approved.
Kids Kounty Playground. A memo was received from Cynthia Donovan Schuster regarding the playground she would like commissioners to consider having concrete under the pavilion now that there are new picnic tables.  The Commissioners had some concerns about injuries if a child fell.  Roger will bring this concern back to her. Idea was tabled for now. She would also like to construct a path or walkway which would be wheelchair accessible.  Cynthia pointed out that playgrounds are supposed to be wheel chair accessible per federal code.  Mr. James Gates has volunteered to assist with the project.  The Commissioners gave Cynthia the go ahead to contract the pathway with funds to come out of the playground account.
Organic fertilizer will now be used in the cemeteries and parks.

Superintendents Report:
Roger stated that Shirley Coit wanted to know why the sidewalks have not been upgraded on the Common and if a special article should be submitted for this project. Roger explained to Shirley that the department has done repairs to the sidewalks but to totally redo them the project could cost $50,000.00 or more.  John stated that various towns’ people had also voiced concern about the sidewalks.  More information will be gotten about cost and other towns departments that may need to sign off on the program.
Next meeting scheduled for October 10, 2017 and the November 13, 2017.
Meeting adjourned at 830PM.


Pam Haman
Reviewed and approved 10/11/17 meeting